About Us
Kirsh Group

We plan experiences to make the most of your time, whenever and wherever you spend it.
For those with a sense of what they want and what they like [even what they don't], without the time to do it themselves.

As hands-off as you want to be.
Our core learning; about you, your interests, style, likes/dislikes and quirky preferences.
Translating your needs through high-level concepts with the intention to maximize learnings through feedback
We take our cues from you until it's right and handle the rest; from hassle-free bookings to swift itinerary adjustments always with expert guidance and an obsessive approach to the finer points.
Quality Control
A meticulous process of reconfirmation prior to arrival, modern itinerary software at your fingertips and a final run-through together on your terms.
Silent Partners
Putting a premium on your ability to show up and enjoy, including 24/7 resources and local support when life becomes unpredictable at any time, for any reason.

Who we are
Our team studies and obsesses over culture. We know what’s right, for who, and why.
We’re about making your plans personal, providing peace of mind and giving back the only thing impossible to get more of, time.
About our Founder
Led by a seasoned media and entertainment exec, with decades of experience alongside senior leadership and combined expertise in global events, executive and corporate retreats.